Sky (Retired)
Adult Female Bernese Mountain Dog
Sky is a beautiful, gentle, and a sweet-as-they-come girl. Even as a puppy, Sky has always put all her effort into pleasing us. She is the daughter of Brook (who's still going strong at age 13) and Lucien. She also tested as Excellent for hips by OFA! The highest rating they give. She is soft and sensitive, super easygoing, and has a lovely sense of humor. Easy to train with no stubbornness in this one at all—only barks when something pretty crazy is going on. For instance, once I was making lunch in the house when I heard Sky barking on the porch—unusual for her. When I checked out what she was trying to tell me, I immediately saw the reason: a whole flock of sheep was loose on the front lawn!
Sky is definitely a Bernese powerhouse - and embodies everything we like to see in a mother dog. Speaking of mother dogs, Sky is TOPS! She is very attentive with her puppies, spending lots of time with them—not a speed nurser, LoL. She simply enjoys being with them and has plenty of milk for them, which makes for some big, fat baby bears!
For anything concerning the elderly or children, Sky is the one I am going to bring! She has such an innate sense of who needs extra gentle handling.
I'm very thankful to know Sky and to learn from her! She certainly is Most Admirable!